Python dictionary copy() 方法用于返回当前字典的浅表副本。对象的浅表副本是指其属性与从中创建副本的源对象的属性相同的副本,共享相同的引用 (指向相同的基础值)。简而言之,将创建一个新词典,其中原始词典中的引用填充了一个副本。
我们还可以使用 = 运算符复制字典,该运算符指向与原始对象相同的对象。因此,如果对复制的词典进行了任何更改,它也会反映在原始词典中。简而言之,将创建对原始词典的新引用。
以下是 Python dictionary copy() 方法的语法 -
例以下示例显示了 Python dictionary copy() 方法的用法。在这里,我们将创建一个字典 'dict_1',然后创建它的副本。
dict1 = {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7};
dict2 = dict1.copy()
print ("New Dictionary : %s" % str(dict2))
New Dictionary : {'Name': 'Zara', 'Age': 7}
dictionary = {5: 'x', 15: 'y', 25: [7, 8, 9]}
print("The given dictionary is: ", dictionary)
# using copy() method to copy
d2 = dictionary.copy()
print("The new copied dictionary is: ", d2)
# Updating the elements in second dictionary
d2[15] = 2
# updating the items in the list
d2[25][1] = '98'
print("The updated dictionary is: ", d2)
以下是上述代码的输出 -
The given dictionary is: {5: 'x', 15: 'y', 25: [7, 8, 9]}
The new copied dictionary is: {5: 'x', 15: 'y', 25: [7, 8, 9]}
The updated dictionary is: {5: 'x', 15: 2, 25: [7, '98', 9]}
The new copied dictionary is: {5: 'x', 15: 'y', 25: [7, 8, 9]}
The updated dictionary is: {5: 'x', 15: 2, 25: [7, '98', 9]}
在下面的代码中,我们将创建一个字典 'dict_1'。然后创建原始词典的浅表副本。之后,将元素添加到浅表副本中。此后,检索结果显示元素被附加到字典的浅表副本,而原始字典保持不变。
# Creating a dictionary
dict_1 = {"1": "Lion", "2": "Tiger"}
print("The first dictionary is: ", dict_1)
# Create a shallow copy of the first dictionary
SC = dict_1.copy()
print("The shallow copy of the dictionary is: ", SC)
# Append an element to the created shallow copy
SC[3] = "Cheetah"
print("The shallow copy after adding an element is: ", SC)
# No changes in the first dictionary
print("There is no changes in the first dictionary: ", dict_1)
上述代码的输出如下 -
The first dictionary is: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger'}
The shallow copy of the dictionary is: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger'}
The shallow copy after adding an element is: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger', 3: 'Cheetah'}
There is no changes in the first dictionary: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger'}
The shallow copy of the dictionary is: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger'}
The shallow copy after adding an element is: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger', 3: 'Cheetah'}
There is no changes in the first dictionary: {'1': 'Lion', '2': 'Tiger'}