CSS 媒体功能 - orientation

CSS 媒体功能 - Orientation 用于确定设备的屏幕或页面是纵向还是横向。



  • portrait − 当视口的高度超过其宽度时应用此值,这通常表示设备是垂直持有的。
  • landscape − 当视口的宽度大于其高度时,将应用此值,通常表示设备处于水平方向。


 orientation: portrait|landscape;

CSS 方向 - portrait

以下示例演示了当设备处于portrait 时,盒子的背景颜色将变为绿色 -

	 	iframe {
	 	 	 display: block;
	 	 	 height: 200px;
	 	<label id="labelWidth" for="width"></label>
	 	<input id="width" type="range" min="120" max="250" step="4" />
	 	srcdoc="<style> @media (orientation: portrait) { div { background: lightgreen; } } </style><div><h3>To see the effect resize your viewport's width.</h3> <p>When box is in portrait orientation background changes to green color, otherwise background color will remain white.</p> </div>">
	 	 	 const updateSize = (size, label) => {
	 	 	 	 	block.style[size] = `${eval(size).value}px`;

	 	 	 width.oninput = () => updateSize("width", labelWidth);

CSS 方向 - landscape 值

以下示例演示了当设备处于 landscape 时,盒子的背景颜色将变为黄色 -

	 	iframe {
	 	 	 display: block;
	 	 	 height: 200px;
	 	<label id="labelWidth" for="width"></label>
	 	<input id="width" type="range" min="120" max="250" step="4" />
	 	srcdoc="<style> @media (orientation: landscape) { div { background: yellow; } } </style><div><h3>To see the effect resize your viewport's width.</h3> <p>When box is in portrait orientation background changes to yellow color, otherwise background color will remain white.</p> </div>">
	 	 	 const updateSize = (size, label) => {
	 	 	 	 	block.style[size] = `${eval(size).value}px`;

	 	 	 width.oninput = () => updateSize("width", labelWidth);