CSS 分页媒体 - break-before 属性

CSS break-before 分页媒体属性指定是否应在元素之前出现分页符。这对于控制打印页面的布局非常有用。


以下是可传递给 b>break-before 分页媒体属性的可能值列表:


  • auto − 默认值。它将根据可用空间自动在元素之前断开页面。
  • avoid − 如果 nedded,则避免在元素之前出现分页符。


  • avoid-page − 它阻止在元素之前分页。
  • page − 强制在元素之前使用分页符。
  • left − 强制在元素之前进行分页,以便将下一页格式化为左页。
  • right − 强制在元素之前使用分页符,以便将下一页格式化为右页。


  • avoid-column − 避免在元素之前出现换列符。
  • column − 在元素之前添加分栏符。



DOM 语法

breakBefore = "auto|avoid|avoid-page|page|left|right|avoid-column|column";


Web 浏览器将旧版 page-break-before 属性视为 break-before 属性的别名。这可确保使用 page-break-before 的网站顺利运行。break-before 属性的以下值应相等。

page-break-before break-before
auto auto
left left
right right
avoid avoid
always page


  • 作为强制中断值的三个相关值(always、left、right、page、column 或 region)中的任何一个都具有优先权。如果有多个分页符属性,我们将选择序列中最后一个属性。后续是 : break-before 优先于 break-after,break-after 优先于 break-inside。
  • 如果三个相关值中的任何一个是避免分页符值(如 avoid、avoid-page、avoid-region 或 avoid-column),则不会在该位置添加分页符。

CSS break-before - auto 值

以下示例演示了(在打印版面中)break-before: auto 属性在打印页面时会自动在节之前断开页面 -

	 	main {
	 	 	 height: 50px;
	 	 	 width: 150px;
	 	section {
	 	 	 break-before: auto;	
	 	 	 border: 1px solid black;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 1</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 1.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 2</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 2.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 3</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 3.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 4</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 4.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 5</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 5.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 6</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 6.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 7</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 7. This section is break automatically based on the available space and content.</p>
	 	function printPage() {

CSS break-before - avoid 值

以下示例演示了(在打印版面中)break-before: avoid 属性在打印页面时避免了节之前的分页符 -

	 	main {
	 	 	 height: 50px;
	 	 	 width: 180px;
	 	section {
	 	 	 break-before: avoid;	
	 	 	 border: 1px solid black;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 1</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 1.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 2</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 2.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 3</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 3.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 4</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 4.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 5</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 5.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 6</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 6.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 7</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 7.</p>

	 	function printPage() {

CSS break-before - avoid-page 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: avoid-page 属性可避免在打印页面时在元素之前分页 -

	 	.avoid-break-page {
	 	 	 break-before: avoid-page;	
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>

	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 1. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div class="avoid-break-page"><p>This is a paragraph 2. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 3. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 4. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	 	 function printPage() {

CSS break-before - page 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: page 属性在打印 page 时在元素之前断开 page -

	 	.break-page {
	 	 	 break-before: page;	
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>

	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 1. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div class="break-page"><p>This is a paragraph 2.After applying the break-before property, this paragraph will be displayed on the second page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 3. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 4. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	 	 function printPage() {

CSS break-before - left 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: left 属性在打印页面时将元素中断到左侧的下一页 -

	 	.page-break-left {
	 	 	 break-before: left;	
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>

	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 1. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 2. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div class="page-break-left"><p>This is a paragraph 3.After applying the break-before: left property, this paragraph will be displayed to the next page on left side when page is printed.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 4. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 5. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	 	 function printPage() {

CSS break-before - right 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: right 属性在打印页面时将元素中断到右侧的下一页 -

	 	.page-break-right {
	 	 	 break-before: right;	
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>

	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 1. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 2. It will be displayed on first page.</p></div>
	 	<div class="page-break-right"><p>This is a paragraph 3. After applying the break-before: right property, this paragraph will be displayed to the next page on right side when page is printed.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 4. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	<div><p>This is a paragraph 5. It will be displayed on second page.</p></div>
	 	 	 function printPage() {

CSS break-before - avoid-column 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: avoid-column 属性可避免在打印页面时在每个节之前出现分列符 -

	 	main {
	 	 	 column-width: 200px;
	 	 	 column-gap: 10px;
	 	section {
	 	 	 width: 200px;
	 	 	 height: 130px;
	 	 	 border: 2px solid black;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	.break-column {
	 	 	 break-before: avoid-column;
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 1</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 1.</p>
	 	 	 <section class="break-column">
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 2</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 2.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 3</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 3.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 4</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 4.</p>
	 	 	 function printPage() {

CSS break-before - column 值

以下示例演示了 break-before: column 属性在每个部分之前添加一个分列符,以便在打印页面时创建多列布局 -

	 	main {
	 	 	 column-width: 200px;
	 	 	 column-gap: 10px;
	 	section {
	 	 	 width: 200px;
	 	 	 height: 130px;
	 	 	 border: 2px solid black;
	 	 	 margin: 10px;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	.break-column {
	 	 	 break-before: column;
	 	button {
	 	 	 background-color: violet;
	 	 	 padding: 5px;
	 	<p>Click on below button to see the effect when you print the page.</p>
	 	<button onclick="printPage()">Print Page</button>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 1</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 1.</p>
	 	 	 <section class="break-column">
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 2</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 2. After applying break-before: column, this section will be displayed on next column.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 3</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 3.</p>
	 	 	 	 	<h3>Column 4</h3>
	 	 	 	 	<p>This is a column 4.</p>
	 	 	 function printPage() {